($lineWrite: 4,1)[So (text-colour:red)[hot], you can't feel it]
($lineWrite: 8,1)[So (text-colour:blue)[cold], all you can think about is surviving]
($lineWrite: 12,1)[So (text-colour:yellow)[welcoming], you wish it would never end]
($lineWrite: 16,1)[So (text-colour:purple)[beautiful], you know nothing will ever come close.]
($lineWrite: 20,1)[You face the fire.]
($lineWrite: 26,6)[//(text-colour:red)[[Burn->Die]]//]
Name it.
(input: bind $playerName, "X====", "")
(event: when time > 6s and $playerName's length > 0)+(t8n: "dissolve")+(transition-time: 6s)[//(text-colour:red)[[Destroy it->Die]]//]
(set: $bodyClaimed to True)A weak vessel. Practically unusable.
($lineWrite: 3,3)[//(text-colour:red)[[Claim]]//](if: (visited: "chasm") is True and (visited: "ornate door") is True)[(t8n-arrive: "dissolve")(go-to: "wake up")]
(if: (visited: "chasm") is not True)[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[A] (if: $bodyClaimed is False)[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[pit]](else:)[(text-colour:white)[pure white],(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[ jagged-mouthed] //(text-colour:red)[[chasm]]//.]]
(if: $bodyClaimed is False)[A //(text-colour:red)[[vessel]]//.]
(if: (visited: "ornate door") is not True)[(if: $bodyClaimed is False)[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[A door]](else:)[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[A] (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.7384,0.5353,0.7))[crimson] (text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.45))[and] (text-colour:#fab005)[gold], //(text-colour:red)[[ornate door]].//]]($lineWrite: 0,1)[An entrance.]
($lineWrite: 1,1)[Crafted through thousands of years of painstaking trial.]
($lineWrite: 2,1)[The spirals of each gold-leafed trim follow a system of reason. The endpoints unclear, but the paths connecting obvious.]
($lineWrite: 5,1)[
(if: (visited: "chasm") is not True)[An uneasy feeling surrounds the idea of (text-colour:red)[[[turning back->doorReturn]]].]
(if: (visited: "chasm") is True)[The option to (text-colour:red)[[[turn back->doorReturn]]] is wrong.]
($lineWrite: 8,1)[(text-colour:#fab005)[[[Open->door2]]]]($lineWrite: 0,1)[A young fissure, burrowing deep into the inky black of the ground.]
($lineWrite: 1,1)[Its boundaries seem to fold into themselves, creating endlessly impossible complex patterns of white, black and gray.]
($lineWrite: 2,1)[There is no sound. If there was, it would be unbearable to experience.]
($lineWrite: 5,1)[{
(if: (visited: "ornate door") is not True)[An uneasy feeling surrounds the idea of (text-colour:red)[[[turning back->chasmReturn]]].]
(if: (visited: "ornate door") is True)[The option to (text-colour:red)[[[turn back->chasmReturn]]] is wrong.]
($lineWrite: 8,1)[(text-colour:#099268)[[[Enter chasm ⇩->chasm2]]]]($lineWrite: 0,1)[From a distance, the fissure violently folds in upon itsself.]
($lineWrite: 1,1)[A war is won.]
($lineWrite: 2,1)[Void triumphs.]
($lineWrite: 5,1)[(text-colour:red)[[[Continue->Die]]]]($lineWrite: 0,1)[Far away, the blood-red stained wood rots into nothing.]
($lineWrite: 1,1)[The gold trim dissolving in an elegant pattern reminicent of the fuse to an explosive.]
($lineWrite: 2,1)[In its place, remains void.]
($lineWrite: 5,1)[(text-colour:red)[[[Continue->Die]]]]An elevator.
(after: time + 3s)[
(t8n-depart: "dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)
[[There is nothing->open eyes]]
($lineWrite: 6,1)[And yet,]
($lineWrite: 8,1)[you remain.]<br>
($lineWrite: 10,1)[Unflinching in the face of absolute desolation.]<br>
($lineWrite: 14,1)[Knowing that after an eternity of isolation,]
($lineWrite: 16,1)[even the void that surrounds you,]
($lineWrite: 18,1)[will too corrupt towards perfect]<br>
($lineWrite: 22,1)[//nothing//]
($lineWrite: 26,1)[(go-to: "purity")]<!--(after: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")+(transition-time: 1s)[(text-colour:#99e9f2)[$playerName]]]-->{(set:$playerName to "Willow")
(set: $bodyClaimed to False)
(set: $lineWrite to (macro: num-type _duration, any-type _transTime, [(if:_duration<0.00001)[(set:_duration to 0.00001)] + (output-data: (after: _duration*1000, 50ms)+(transition: "dissolve")+(transition-time: _transTime*1000))]))
($lineWrite: 2,6)[Bleemp]